Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Hi, My name is Jim and I'm an even older belligerent than Boris is. I cut my gaming teeth on a Game and Watch fold out Donkey Kong thing and progressed through C64, Amiga, Game Gear, PC and so on. I love PC gaming and almost everything associated with it, but I have almost no interest in consoles - so sorry to all you under 16s that still play the toy game boxes.

As far as I'm concerned, our favorite industry is at a crossroads - buckets of games all samey samey, hardware no longer holding the grip it once did (I've had the same PC for 2 years and it plays the latest games fine), Free To Play games evolving and new technology over the horizon that may change the state of the play forever. It's been some time since I played a game the other review sites fawned over and found myself agreeing with them. While a lot of these games are well made and kinda fun for a while, I usually end up with the feeling that I've played this all before.

Anyway, a topic for another time. Long story short, some like minded people got together and decided to make a website - this website - as a place to let our thoughts and feelings be known. In a nutshell we'll be posting and then discussing the latest announcements and games as well as looking back at some of the classic moments in gaming to decide once and for all (or probably not) whether those games are still awesome, or best left in the land of nostalgia. It's going to get heated and it may even get personal, but we have a passion to bring you multiple opinions of all things gaming - not just one mans say-so (perhaps even one man with a desk full of 'freebies' from the publishers). If we think it sucks, we'll say so. If I think it sucks but Boris thinks it rules, we'll try our best to explain the why and wherefore.

Lastly, we're planning a few cools ideas like the 2 hour test and the Drunk/Sober review, but more info on that another time. For now, Jim out.

Much Ado about nerding

Hi my name is Boris, and I am an older gamer.  A belligerent older gamer, I cut my teeth on games that required you to rewind or fast-forward a tape to load.  I am strongly opinionated on this hobby that has now been taken over by big industry.  I like using colourful language and big words, although I often use the wrong word out of context.

This site will be my and my friends soap box where we yell at each other or yell with each other.  Hopefully you will find it amusing.