Thursday, December 8, 2011

Of Brink and disappointment

Last night I played Brink and it went...well first let me tell you a story.

Some time ago, Boris sent me a youtube video of a game that included MMO like stuff, shooting, large outdoor areas, cities and interesting looking team options. Being the absent minded professor I am I forgot the name and when I asked him about it later he told me it was Brink, but I was not convinced. A little more time went by and Boris grew quite excited about Brink, Brink this and Brink that he would say. I was too poor at the time to afford it so I thought I'd let him run with it a while and grab a copy when I could.

This was not to be as Boris dropped Brink from his play schedule like a sobering man drops the girl he slept with last night and escapes via the fire escape. The only feedback was that Brink wasn't very good after all. I was saddened and never bothered reading any reviews.

Now back to the recent past and last weekend Steam had Brink on sale for $6- how could I lose? Surely they'd fixed up the bugs and balance issues by now! Fast forward to last night and I finally had an opportunity to play Brink with my friend Raptoralpha. Or did I? Well, no. I didn't. You see, I thought Brink was an MMOFPS in the vein of either Tabula Rasa or Borderlands (which I had recently finished) and the first 30 minutes of character creation bore that out. Then we tried to play it online and completely failed. You see, Brink is more like a poor mans Team Fortress and less like an awesome game than I had supposed. In fact, the most game time I spent was running around a bit while waiting for Raptor to connect (which he never did). In the end we agreed that the best part of the game was making the characters and the worst part was everything else - that ultimately Brink was totally not the game we thought it was. To spin an analogy: after setting out to buy KFC we came home with a couple of servo pies. Golden looking on the outside but lukewarm and suspiciously lacking in what we though it would have on the inside.

Brink is a fail and I still don't know what that other damned game was!

MAJOR EDIT: After a lot of searching and following dead-end leads...I FOUND IT!


Ok, so it doesn't look as good now I've finished Borderlands (basically looks like a BL variant). Still, might sign up for the beta and report back what I find.

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