Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What the hell is going on with this review site!

Have I abandoned it!? Hell no. What's happening is an amalgamation of several occurrences coming together at once to slow my rate of writing.

First and foremost, I'm not playing a lot of small games right now. ARMA3 Liberation, Outer Worlds and Battletech have dominated game time and I don't feel people need yet another review by a backwater site on the subject of a AAA game release. Suffice to say I like all three games and you should defn buy them if their genre is in your wheelhouse.

Second, it's spring where I live, coming into summer. This time of year I play more sport, do more training and spend a lot less time gaming. For this reason I might branch out into board game reviews or board game session reports. I tend to play more board games when the weather is good.

Third, I've been playing through a heap of games on my original XBox. I might post a bunch of micro reviews, I just want to touch on every title I have even a fleeting interest in and give a brief summary of the underlying game style plus my thoughts. Maybe.

Fourth, work is busy. Life is busy. I'm older (as the banner suggests) and I have older children whom I spend a lot of time chasing around or doing things with. Last night I was playing Street Fighter 2 and Dead or Alive with my 15 year old. He's never seen either and we had a great laugh.

Fifth, I'm doing a lot of other writing that kind of takes up what little creative time I have. These are fiction I'm going to submit in the next six months in the hopes of following up the publication of my first story earlier this year.

Do I have a lot of games to play and review? Oh my god, yes. Do I have time to do it? Probably. But it would mean pushing aside a bunch of other jobs and hobbies, and right now the focus is on them rather than game review. Soon though, the pendulum with swing this way once more. Until on.

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