Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Now to be fair, I haven't played enough of this game to really comment, but that never stopped me having an opinion before!

Elona is top-down RPG. And it's free! The interface is clunky but there are a lot of options floating about (dig, cast, build things). It runs on top of a rouge-like engine, but otherwise plays like a regular RPG.

There's a big open world full of STUFF, including NPCs, items, dungeons, houses you can build, maintain and upgrade (and furnish). Looks like you can own shops too, or at least invest in them. From my limited much about it really does feels like I only scratched the surface of an interesting game. Also, I died on level one of one of the first dungeons, so it's either very difficult or I didn't prepare properly. I was allowed to respawn back at my house though, so it's not a permadeath rouge-like by default.

Came highly recommended so I'll persevere. Thanks to the CRPG Book Project for recommending it.

VERDICT: Looks like food court noodles, I've only sampled one bit but it seems complex like a good laksa. 


(game link)

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