Interesting little article over at FPSGuru. I can understand how people who never played the original planetside think this all seems new and shiny. The original planetside gave me gaming experiences that have never been replicated to this day, and that was 8 years ago. PS was ahead of its time for sure.
I disagree with this for the following reasons:
ReplyDelete1. Planetside only appeals to a certain kind of gamer and therefore will not be re-writing any rules
2. Anyone with half a brain can see that PS2 is basically PS1 with a new paint-job and some new rules. Fundamentally it's a very similar. What has changed are the conditions around us (broadband speeds etc), while the core game experience will remain the same.
What will most likely happen is we'll breed an all new generation of people who play Planetside for 10 hours, quit, then go around bragging that they 'played Planetside 2 and it was great, why dont they make more games like that?'. Meanwhile, the population will start out quite large then drop off as players realise they actually need use their brain to play PS. The same old players (or same kind of players) will trudge on through the battlegrounds as the server return to a stable population of ~1000 regular players spread out worldwide.
While gamers like to pretend they want bigger, more complicated games...what the masses really want is more of the same. Anyone else notice that Skyrim is essentially Oblivion with an even clunkier interface?
I disagree with you sir. I think that whilst they are keeping to the original theme of PS. There are bound to be compromises that dumb the experience down to appeal to the mass market. But we are speculating on a product that has barely been shown outside of some screenshots and some 'lol' 3D model views.
ReplyDeleteDon't underestimate the Free 2 Play model, it has been proven people love to pay nothing thru piracy. If they market it right, they are going to get a shit load of players. The trick will be keeping them, the core PS players will stay as long as the gameplay is there. The new F2P junkies will stay if there is enough new content consistently being released.
Actually come to think of it, I am sort of agreeing with you...